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Goal-setting fatigue: 3 strategies

Amina Aitsi-Selmi

As a reminder, the intention for Wise Wednesdays is to share any pearls of wisdom I come across on my personal journey in the hope that it inspires you. Eventually, I hope to develop a community forum and opportunities to meet each other.

As a recap from last week (curing cabin fever): snap out of negative states by changing what you’re doing with your:

body :: language :: focus

This week, it’s about goal-setting. I was inspired by a conversation with Lea, a fencing buddy (hey, Lea!) We’ve all been asked what our 1 or 5 or 10 year plans are in interviews. One reason is that research shows that people who have specific, written, time-framed goals tend to do significantly better than those who don’t (hence, the popularity of SMART goals)…

Goal-setting fatigue

But what if you don’t know what you want. Or if what you want is a big vision that’s still forming and you’re not sure how to get there? What if goal-setting has gotten out of control and it’s dampened your sense of wonder, curiosity and dreaming?

I’ve found a few things helped me in taking leaps into the dark and coming out at the other end happier. So here goes:

Dealing with goal-setting fatigue: make space for the unknown

1) Get comfortable with the unknown: big goals require stepping into uncertain territory sometimes and making friends with uncomfortable sensations (especially, if we’re used to being in control)

2) Have fewer goals (Mark Zuckerberg only had one goal for facebook: growth). This leaves space for creative solutions and course-correction as you start moving forwards. Apparently, the first Apollo mission was only on course 2.5% of the time and had to continually adjust as it moved forwards

3) Focus on experiences that you want (especially growth, contribution and things that bring you joy) rather than specific things like a job or person

I talk about these three in more detail in the video below:

I went to an attunement with nature day last weekend and this week’s video is filmed in Richmond Park.

If you like the video please, share with anyone it might help and feel free to like/comment/subscribe.

I hope this helps and would love any comments or feedback.

Until next week!


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