Dear Heroines and Heroes,
It’s Wise Wednesdays #90+!
Thank you for being part of Wise Wednesdays! It gives me great joy to write and inspire you.
It’s two years this week since the first edition of Wise Wednesdays (here’s the first edition ever: Curing Cabin Fever =>

In the same month, I officially opened the coaching practice and experienced the Zen of having my first paying clients and covering my living expenses. Two months prior, the six month NHS Consultant contract (in a civil service institution) I was on was coming to and end and I hadn’t applied for other jobs… It was a little scary…I’d reached the top of the medical ladder and was about to leap into the unknown. I didn’t even want to talk about it with others lest they dissuade me. When people asked what I was doing next, I’d half-jokingly say I was going on maternity leave (and sometimes “Baternity leave” i.e. to give birth to a business!) You might say I was less focused on whether my decision was approved of by the system. I just wanted to create something new. To go for what you want, you might have to drop the need for validation and approval. If fact, musicians in flow switch off the part of their brain that performs “social monitoring”. Only the part of the brain related to the actual musical skill is active. Perhaps, my social monitoring brain went dormant or missing in action… So where have I put my energy in to since the big leap? Well, aside from creating a more balanced and peaceful life, making a living through something I love, a few of the metrics (hey, maths is cool) are:
400+ hours of client coaching
100+ hours non-client coaching
20+ events, workshops, lectures (online or in person including at UCL, Societe Generale, Health Education England; Tate Exchange)
90+ Wise Wednesdays articles
60+ Videos
Set up shop at high end Harley Street

Founded the Royal Society of Arts coaching network and Coach-Link – a platform to provide pro bono Executive Coaching to Social Entrepreneurs. We received excellent feedback on evaluation read the RSA article here =>
Highlight: Over two years, I went from newbie coach to leadership team member (coaching other coaches) at my role model’s coaching event in L.A. According to him and another well-respected entrepreneur accelerator, I’m in the top 10% of coaches. Although I don’t focus on external standards, it’s nice to have some feedback.
Countless social media shares (including the good, the bad and the ordinary of the journey) to inspire others and let them know they’re not alone in the struggle for meaningful work, fair pay and peaceful living.)
Numerous lives changed and careers transformed for a diversity of clients including women and men from all over the world in medicine, law, accounting, the police force, government, politics, etc. through new jobs, promotions, secondments and fellowships with prestigious organisations like the UN/WHO; as well as through helping others set up businesses, consulting multiply their revenue to a fair level; improve marriages and relationships and experience more balance and contentment as they express more of who the really are.

What I’m realising is that I help people do 3 things:
change career
have more influence, impact and money
create more balance, peace and contentment
It depends on which stage of career development and personal aspirations they’re at.
Coming up in Year 3: possibly a book, more online webinars, group events at Harley Street…an online programme if you just want to dip your toe in the world of personal development and self-actualisation with Dr Amina! Also I’ll be speaking at NICE (the National Institutes of Health and Care Excellence) with a cunning plan to link public health and coaching.
And the single, biggest lesson I’ve learned from this journey? => Watch the video below
Thank you for reading Wise Wednesdays! It’s so special to be able to share the journey and be of service to you.
Know someone who would like to join Wise Wednesdays and feel inspired? => They can subscribe here Life rocks when you’re in it with compassion, courage and wisdom! And we’ve only just begun... Have a great week, Amina